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Foie Gras de Canard entier 100g, 140g & 210g
250g whole Duck Foie Gras
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150g Green Puy lentils
1/2l chicken stock
12 large cooked langoustines
For the dressing
3 tablespoons of olive oil
3 tablespoons of walnut oil
3 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar
Salt and pepper
For the garnish
5 dill stalks
Some herbs
A few grains of fleur de sel
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For the preparation

Cook the lentils in chicken stock until al dente. Drain them and leave to cool. Remove your Foie Gras from the fridge. In a salad bowl, make up the vinaigrette then mix the cooled lentils into it.


Slice your Foie Gras using a thinly-bladed knife that has been run under hot water.

For the presentation

Garnish 6 plates with the lentils. Decorate them with the langoustine tails and the herbs. Place the Foie Gras on the lentil salad, sprinkle over a few grains of fleur de sel and eat straightaway.

Substitute the langoustines with large cooked prawns. Accompany your dish with a Côte du Rhône such as Saint Joseph or a Pinot Gris wine.