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Le magret de canard fumé prétranché
2 portions of Smoked Duck Breast, pre-sliced
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2 avocados
2 tablespoons of wine vinegar
3 tablespoons of lemon olive oil
A few pine nuts
Mixed salad leaves
Salt, pepper
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Peel the avocados, take out the pits and cut into fine slices.


Season the salad with the vinaigrette (wine vinegar and lemon olive oil).


Dress the plate, attractively arranging the slices of smoked duck breast in a fan shape with the salad leaves and the slices of avocado.


Sprinkle your salad with pine nuts and a few drops of wine vinegar.


As a final touch, brush the slices of duck breast very lightly with lemon oil. This will add a hint of freshness.

Choose really ripe avocados with a grainy skin.