Plaice fillet with Jerusalem artichoke, Truffle and hazelnut
Melt 15 g of butter in a frying pan and brown the chopped shallot.
Deglaze with the white wine and reduce by half.
Add the whole cream, let the sauce thicken and season with pepper (white) and salt.
Strain the sauce, set aside and heat before using.
Boil the pomegranate juice with the sugar, a pinch of salt, the agar and 1 teaspoon of red wine vinegar.
Pour onto a tray and let harden in the refrigerator.
Later, mix very finely in the small blender (without lumps) and fill a pastry bag or squeeze bottle. Reserve until use.
For the browned butter, melt the butter in a skillet over medium heat until it begins to turn golden brown. Then stir with a whisk until the butter blackens and smells like hazelnuts. Don't let it burn. Stir the butter!
Remove the pan from the heat and add the dill. Please note that this will splash for a while, so keep your distance. Set aside and let cool down.
Keep the largest Jerusalem artichoke aside for later, peel the rest and cut into cubes.
Simply cover them with water, add half the chicken broth and bring to boil. Let cook gently for about 20 minutes.
Meanwhile, pour the brown butter through a colander with a paper towel inside so that you have a clear liquid left.
Drain the Jerusalem artichoke and put it in the blender.
Add a good pinch of brown butter and a pinch of cooking cream. Turn smooth, the cream is perfect if the blender can just keep it moving. Alternately add butter and cream if necessary.
Season with salt and pepper (white), then pass through a sieve.
Place in a pastry bag and set aside.
Cut the plaice fillet and distribute them so that there are 2 equal pieces per person. Pick the thicker pieces, they look great in this dish.
Sprinkle the inside with salt and pepper, then stack the pieces together.
Vacuum with a drizzle of olive oil until completely cooked: 15 min at 62 ° C. Place the piping bag (closed) with the Jerusalem artichoke cream in this water as well. It will stay warm.
Cut thin slices of Jerusalem artichoke on the mandolin, cut them and put them in ice water. Make sure you have 1 larger slice per person, so you can put the rest on it a bit easier.
Choose pretty sprigs of dill.
Scrape a few slices of truffle (not too thin, you will hardly taste it).
Roast the hazelnuts in a non-stick pan without fat.
Dry the plaice fillet on paper towels and place it in the center of your plate.
Spray the Jerusalem artichoke cream on top in a zigzag pattern. Especially in the middle, you need a little volume to keep the Jerusalem artichoke and truffle.
Place the large slice of Jerusalem artichoke on a plate and make a circle with the smaller slices of Jerusalem artichoke and truffle; alternately.
Place it on the plaice.
Put a small dot of pomegranate gel on each slice.
Spread a few dill leaves, they stick well on the pomegranate gel.
Arrange (carefully!) a gold leaf on top.
Sprinkle the coarsely chopped and roasted hazelnuts over and around the dish and add the sauce to the table.
Advice from @hapentap
I usually use freshly ground black pepper, but for this white wine sauce and Jerusalem artichoke cream I used ground white pepper to avoid black spots in the sauce and / or cream.